Content marketing packages.

With extensive experience in advertising, I’ve chosen to keep my main focus on the honey and mustard of digital marketing to concentrate on real, steady growth. Let’s start with these two simple, yet underestimated marketing tools – blogging and social media.


Blogs don’t write themselves. People do. Content marketing in the form of blogging is a powerful tool to give your existing clients more value, help your business rank better on Google, and allow your brand to be seen as an expert in the field.

But honey takes time to make, requiring a specific amount of research to get it just right.

In this package, I’ll:

  • Create and map out a yearly blogging strategy

  • Research and write 4 blog posts per month

  • Research SEO target keywords for Google ranking

  • Share monthly reports if we have access to the website


Sure, you might have posts going out, but do you have the extra tang that makes your audience stop and interact? Reach the right audience where they’re already interacting, and spark interest around your brand.

First, let’s start by setting up your accounts, if you don’t already have them and enhancing them if you do.

In this package, I’ll:

  • Map out a yearly social strategy including hashtag research

  • Craft 15 designed posts with thought-provoking captions

  • Upload and schedule all approved posts

  • Share monthly performance reports and analytics

A few other specialisations.

Marketing + Brand Strategy | Brand Consulting | Copywriting | Email Marketing | SEO Analytics | Content Strategy | Google Analytics | Website Writing | Paid Social Media